The team
Delegate's Resources
Pursuing Ethical Innovation: Critical Importance of Transparency and Privacy in AI Development and Improvement.
*exclusively for high school
Addressing the Illicit Supply of Weapons to Hamas and Other Jihadist Terrorist Groups
The Reintegration of Conflict-affected Communities, Including the Provision of Psychosocial
Support and the Promotion of Reconciliation.
Face à la Montée de l'anti Sémitisme en Europe Occidentale
Addressing Forced Child Marriage in Asia
The Hamas-Israeli Conflict and the Possibility of Regional Conflict
Russian Annexation of Crimea
Gaza’s Crumbling Health System and the Need of Medical Support in the Gaza Strip
The Effects of Evolving AI in the Developing of Education, Art and Culture
Garantizar los Derechos Laborales de los Trabajadores en una Nueva Era Digital
The Prosecution of General Efraín Ríos Montt
Métodos y Soluciones Entorno al Apoyo de los Damnificados por el Huracán Otis en Guerrero
Establishing Measures to Prevent Child Labour and Slavery in Africa
Should FIFA Deny Countries with HR Violations and Political Instability the Opportunity of Being
World Cup Hosts?
Creation of Regulations for InGen’s Bio-engineering Facilities in Islas Sorna and Nublar