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"Uniting voices, driving change"


In this Model of the United Nations, delegates will have the opportunity to debate and work in 11 different committees, each with intriguing and challenging topics designed to forge stimulating debates. Join us in this incredible experience, where your critical thinking and leadership skills will be tested.

Registration closed. See you on

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Message from Our Secretary General

Dear delegates,


I welcome you all to this VII edition of the ISQ MUN. I am truly honored to have you attend our great event. The whole committee and I have been working tirelessly to present the best MUN we can offer, a MUN where you will learn and be put to the test, but most importantly, a MUN you will remember.  


I remember my first experiences in these models, and debates filled with action, emotion, and passion from delegates and those who organized the event, passion for this great model where we meet great friends, where we understand our potential to debate, work together, and learn to be leaders. 


That same feeling is in every single one of us organizing the model. We hope that when you arrive here, you feel that same action, emotion, and passion.


Welcome to ISQ MUN VII


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